Vehicle tracking is now an essential aspect of our daily life, especially for fleet managers. Real-time GPS trackers for vehicles have changed how we monitor and manage our vehicles. With the advanced capabilities of GPS, these devices provide important data about the driver's behavior, the health of the vehicle, driving hours, speed, and much more.

But have you wondered how these devices provide such data? What's the magic behind these?

To answer your questions, here we are going to explore the technology behind modern tracking devices.

Let's jump in.

1.     The Backbone of Tracking Systems – GPS

It is a satellite-based positioning technology that uses a network of satellites to provide accurate location and time information about anywhere on Earth. This system is made of over 24 satellites orbiting the Earth. The best automotive GPS trackers include in-built GPS receivers to receive the signals from GPS satellites. This real-time sharing of data is valuable for fleet managers to plan routes carefully.

2.     GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)

We all are familiar with GPS, but GNSS is a broader umbrella of satellite technologies that includes GPS. GNSS enables the accurate positioning, navigation, and timing information on Earth. GNSS depends on a large network of satellites and ground-based receivers to exactly determine the location, velocity, and time of the receiver anywhere on Earth or near it.

Moreover, this technology is used in diverse sectors like navigation for vehicles, ships, and aircraft, monitoring assets, mapping, geolocation in emergencies, and scientific research.

3.     Wi-Fi-Based Car Positioning

It is not so common, but it works as a supplementary method in areas, where GPS doesn't work. It is based on nearby Wi-Fi networks to calculate the vehicle location. Wi-Fi-based car positioning includes measuring signal strength, fingerprinting, time of flight, triangulation, or even a combination of all these methods.

4.     Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle Technologies

Telematics with telecommunications and informatics help in the transmission and storage of telemetry data through wireless networks and onboard modems and diagnostics. Telematics devices gather GPS and vehicle data then send it through GPRS, 4G, cellular networks, or satellite communication to a main server. There, the data is sorted, analyzed, and adjusted for easy use by consumers.

5.     Internet and Cloud

The Internet gives significant opportunities to support advanced functionality and immediate accessibility. Also, fleet business owners rely on vehicle tracking systems to provide helpful insights through the cloud.

Final Thoughts

Real-time GPS tracker for vehicles powered by GPS technology and other satellite systems, telematics offers a multitude of benefits including, security, effective management, and others. As technology is evolving, these all are going to be an integral part of our day-to-day lives.

The best automotive GPS trackers from Global Trackers access an advanced Global Navigation Satellite System to provide accurate location of your vehicle. Also, we can tailor the tracking systems according to your individual specific requirements.